Wednesday, April 8, 2020

What Makes Nigerian Dwarf Goats Such Great Pets?

An award-winning director and cinematographer based in Atlanta, Georgia, Steve Colby has served as director of Pogo Pictures since 1999. Responsible for shooting successful campaigns for numerous Fortune 100 Companies, Steve Colby owns two Nigerian dwarf goats, one of which was used in an award-winning 2013 Super Bowl commercial.

Nigerian dwarf goats were first brought to the United States in the 1950s, and have since become popular both for their milk production and for their companionship. Known for their sweet, playful personalities, they thrive in almost any climate. Their manageable size of 60 to 80 pounds makes it possible to transport them in a large dog crate, and means they require less grazing space than full-size dairy goats.

In addition to their pleasant temperament, Nigerian dwarf goats are outstanding milk producers.
Typically, they produce between three and four pounds of 6 percent to 10 percent butterfat milk per day, and their milk has a higher protein content than that of other dairy goats. Their manure also makes a valuable addition to natural compost for any garden.